Communications Engineering
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Codarra’s engineering staff are all fully qualified engineers, and most are currently undertaking Certified Practicing Engineer accreditation. Our engineers have extensive hands-on experience, and take a strong systems engineering approach to our clients’ complex engineering problems.
Capability Overview
Codarra’s engineering staff are all fully qualified engineers, and most are currently undertaking Certified Practicing Engineer accreditation. Our engineers have extensive hands-on experience, and take a strong systems engineering approach to our clients’ complex engineering problems.
Range of Skills
Codarra’s communication engineers have extensive experience in a wide range of communications engineering fields, including:
- satellite communications engineering, including engineering support to satellite projects, satellite communications link engineering and planning, satellite ground station test and acceptance and support to satellite operations;
- High Frequency (HF) radio engineering, including network design, network management, test and acceptance and supporting HF operations;
- microwave and other radio engineering, including network design and test and acceptance;
- telephony engineering including analysis of PABX options and voice/data integration; and
- wide area network engineering, including network design., encryption options analysis, commercial carrier analysis and test and acceptance.
Recent Assignments
Codarra is able to provide extensive references for our communications engineering assignments. Some of the more prominent recent assignments include:
- provision of the project engineer for major Defence wide area network projects,
- engineering services to the Defence satellite communication projects,
- engineering and project management services to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority associated with a major network comprising High Frequency and satellite communication, supporting safety of life at sea initiatives, and
- analysis of wide area encryptor options for a number of Government departments.